Page 14 - CO January 2022
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the commute time between Dakshineswar and Kavi Subhash by at approximately `2051 crore (245 Mn EUR), Alstom’s scope on the
up to 90 minutes. The extension not only reduces the time and Agra-Kanpur metro project includes – design, build and delivery
expense but will positively impact the environment by easing of 201 metro cars (67 MOVIA metro three-car trainsets) and an
traffic congestions in the ‘City of Joy’. Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd (RVNL) advanced signalling solution (CITYFLO 650). The customer also has
selected Hitachi Energy’s advanced power automation and a provision to exercise an option for an additional 51 metro cars.
control solution, MicroSCADA X, to control the power distribution, Inspired by Uttar Pradesh’s rich cultural heritage combined with
traction substations and auxiliary substations which is a future-proof best-in-class design has resulted in an attractive look for India’s
solution with a modern user interface and innovative ease-of-use latest metro fleet. Aerodynamic modular design of the new MOVIA
features including web-based and mobile access. It is an easily metros will offer a host of safety, security and environmental
scalable system and will provide Metro Railway very wide and benefits along with great passenger experience. Built with stainless-
intuitive functionality with advanced cybersecurity safeguards as steel car bodies, the air-conditioned cars will have automated
per the latest global standards. sliding doors, comfortable seating & standing spaces, dedicated
areas for entry of specially abled, who use wheelchairs and
After a nearly two-year delay, Mumbai will soon have a new modern passenger information systems, combining to provide an
metro line connecting the city’s northernmost area, Dahisar, to accessible and welcoming environment for passengers. The trains
the western suburbs of Andheri with over 17 stations. will be equipped with FLEXX metro bogies and MITRAC propulsion
The Maha Mumbai Metro Operation Corporation Ltd (MMMOCL) system to increase energy efficiency, reduce operating costs, and
will be in charge of the operations and maintenance (O&M) of ensure the new trains meet the highest environmental standards.
the new Mumbai Metro Lines. The line is expected to be functional Each train will accommodate approximately 960 passengers in
within a few months and is expected to be open by early 2022. the three-car configuration.
It will be operating in two phases. In the first phase, from Dahisar
to Goregaon and in the second phase, the metro will run from Union Minister of Housing and Urban Affairs Hardeep S. Puri recently,
Goregaon to Andheri. The Mumbai Metro trains are indigenously virtually inaugurated the Unattended Train Operations (UTO) on the
manufactured driverless trains that runs on 25 kV AC traction power Pink Line of the Delhi Metro. “We are witnessing another historic
and has facilities like optical fibre in each coach for Internet occasion where we will see the Delhi Metro becomes one of
access, CCTV surveillance, and is developed to conserve energy the largest driverless metro networks in the world. With a massive
and swap to alternative non-conventional energy in the event of driverless network of 96.7 kms, the Delhi Metro has now become
a power failure. the fourth largest network in the world to operate with driverless
technology,” the minister said. Driverless Train Operations (DTO) has
Alstom completes handover of the first trainset for the Kanpur been launched on the 59 kms long Pink Line (Majlis Park to Shiv
metro, to Uttar Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation (UPMRC). These Vihar) of Delhi Metro. With this, the Delhi Metro’s fully automated
metro trains are 100% indigenously manufactured at the facility network will grow to about 97 kilometres, which is 4th largest in
in Savli, Gujarat. Alstom completed the acquisition of Bombardier the world and the only DTO network in India. The DTO facility was
Transportation (BT) on 29 January 2021 and going forward, Alstom launched on the Magenta Line in 2020 with which the Delhi Metro
will be responsible for the delivery of Kanpur & Agra metro rolling had entered the elite league of world’s 7% Metros in the world
stock and signalling, including scope of all BT technologies. Valued which operate fully automated metro networks.