Page 19 - CO January 2022
P. 19
India have significant implications for Metro Rail Projects. A huge 17 elevated and 4 underground stations from CCS Airport to
number of cities in India are developing metro rail projects with Munshipullia became fully operational on08.03.2019when
indigenization in the shortest time possible. Hon’ble Prime Minister flagged-off the inaugural Metro train
The Lucknow Metro has achieved the distinction of being the in a record period of less than 4.5 years, 36 days ahead of
fastest-ever executed metro project in the country, as the entire schedule.
project has been completed in just four and half years. The • More than 3.65 crore passengers have travelled in Lucknow
Lucknow Metro is indeed the pride of the city. Metro since the commencement of operations. Prior to
the Covid-19 pandemic, within a year of metro operation,
Please brief us on the current status of the Lucknow metro rail ridership had reached around 78000 per day. The Lucknow
project? Also provide us details regards to the deadlines set and Metro Rail Project has achieved the fastest ridership recovery
met for overall project completion. Also please brief us on the as compared to other metro rail projects in India after the first
ridership, what are steps taken to enthuse people to travel by and second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic and is currently
metro. carrying around 65000 passengers per day.
Lucknow Metro Phase-1A Project consisting of North-South Corridor
stretching from CCS Airport to Munshipullia covering a stretch Brief us on the uniqueness in your metro in terms of design and
of 22.878 km with 17 elevated and 4 underground stations has value added services to the end user.
been completed on 8th March, 2019 and is now fully operational. Kanpur - Twin Piercaps, 2 T Girder first time used in MRTS projects in
Proposed East-West Corridor (Phase-1B) which is 11.165 km from INDIA. Lucknow - 10% concession provided to Metro smart Card
Charbagh to Vasantkunj with 7 underground and 5 elevated holder.
stations is under approval of State Government.
• DPR for Lucknow Metro was submitted by DMRC to State Provide us details on the Agra & Kanpur metros, expected cost
Govt for approval in July,2013. State Govt approved the of the project, funds disbursed so far and additional funds
implementation of North-South corridor initially in August,2013 sanctioned?
and sent it to MoUD, GOI for approval. The estimated cost of the Agra Metro project is `8379.62 Crores
• Project implementation commenced on 27th September, whereas the cost of Kanpur Metro project is `11,076.48 crores.
• Project approved by MoUD, Government of India on Your comments as to how it will impact the community and ease
25.01.2016 . transportation in the cities.
• Project implementation undertaken at a very fast pace Metro Rail Projects are widely implemented as a means of
and commercial operation started on Priority section from effective public transport across various cities in the world. This
Transport Nagar to Charbagh (8.5 km) on 05.09.2017 in less system is designed to bring ‘best-in-class’ mobility in the City by
than 3 years period thereby achieving the distinction of fastest providing convenient, safe, reliable, and cost-effective public
Metro project implementation in the Country. transport system connecting and creating vibrant urban spaces.
• The 22.878 km long entire North-South Corridor (Phase 1A) with The advantages of this system in general are as follows:-