Page 17 - CO January 2022
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last-mile connectivity in the peripheral areas of big cities like Delhi. noisy transport medium in the city of Nashik, is going to be the
According to Ministry officials, by 2024-2025, India will have over first Metro Neo project in India, which will be implemented by
1,700 km of metro network, the second highest after China, which Maharashtra Metro Rail Corporation Ltd (Maha-Metro).
has over 7,000 km of metro network.
Moreover, energy-efficient, air-conditioned, low floor coaches with MOVIA metros – flexible solutions for growing cities
regenerative braking, friendly for divyang people will facilitate easy Bombardier’s high-tech, highly efficient MOVIA metros deliver
evacuation of passenger during emergencies through the flat rapid, reliable and cost-effective transport solutions around the
ways. These coaches can negotiate sharp curves suitable to the globe. Congestion, budget constraints, and connectivity are
narrow roads of Tier-II & III cities. Beside, MetroNeo’s overhead twin major challenges facing growing cities today. Metros are one
wire traction system running on 750 volts DC is easily installable, of the most efficient means of moving high volumes of people
safe for passenger operations and cost-effective. The MRTS, safely, conveniently and cost-effectively to their destinations.
aiming to provide a comfortable, rapid, energy-efficient and less From London to Delhi, New York to Shanghai, MOVIA metros move
more than seven billion passengers every year. MOVIA metros are
renowned over the world for their operational reliability, appealing
design and enhanced safety features – everything that makes a
metro an attractive mode of transport. As part of a new or existing
network, fully automated or with a driver, the MOVIA metro family’s
modular approach ensures the right solution for each customer.
Work in Progress
In the Union Budget 2021-22, Hon’ble FM Nirmala Sitharaman
had expressed commitment to work towards raising the share of
public transport in urban areas through expansion of metro rail
network and augmentation of city bus service. A new scheme will
be launched at a cost of `18,000 crore to support augmentation
of public bus transport services. The scheme will facilitate
deployment of innovative PPP models to enable private sector
players to finance, acquire, operate, and maintain over 20,000
buses. The scheme will boost the automobile sector, provide fillip
to economic growth, create employment opportunities for our
youth and enhance ease of mobility for urban residents.