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           U-girder on PDPU Road for constructing the viaduct of the 28.254   stations. Operation of major electrical equipment and lighting
           km Ahmedabad Metro Phase 2 project. Afcons’ scope of work   are monitored and are operated through Building Management
           includes the line’s 8.124 km elevated section from Motera Stadium   System. Invertor based VRV/VRF system for air conditioning
           to GNLU with 8 stations at Koteshwar Road, Vishwakarma College,   at Elevated Stations & depots in Phase-2 have been installed.
           Tapovan Circle, Narmada Canal, Koba Circle, Juna Koba, Koba   Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) are implemented for underground
           Gam, and GNLU, alongwith the 5.42 km section from GNLU to GIFT   stations in environmental control system & tunnel ventilation system
           City with a bridge over Sabarmati River and 2 stations at Pandit   equipment. Platform Screen Doors are adapted in UG stations of
           Deendayal Petroleum University (PDPU) and Gujarat International   Phase-II to reduce Air Conditioning load from 900 T to 400 T per
           Finance Tec-City (GIFT City).                       station and hence are expected to reduce the Electrical Power
           Bangalore (Namma) Metro is an urban Mass Rapid Transit System   Bangalore Metro Trains for the new lines and future projects will
           (MRTS) with 2 lines and 51 stations serving Bengaluru, Karnataka’s   be based on unattended train operation systems. In BMRCL train,
           capital and largest city. While the Green Line’s extension to Silk   state-of-art 3-phase variable voltage and variable frequency-
           Institute became operational in January 2021, the entire phase,   controlled traction system not only utilizes energy during braking
           including a 13.9 km underground section of the Pink Line, is   but also provides high level passenger comfort by automatically
           expected to be ready no sooner than 2024 after which the metro   controlling jerk during operation. Train Air-conditioned system
           network will become 116.25 km long. Bangalore Metro’s Phase 3   automatically regulates the temperature and humidity to provide
           project with routes totaling 105.55 km is currently on the drawing   comfort to the passenger. Automatic station announcement and
           board. From that, 18 km (Central Silk Board – KR Puram) and 38   display system provides a very accurate real time information to
           km (KR Puram – KIAL Airport) of lines have been expedited and   the passengers.
           will be built in parallel with Phase 2 under Phase 2A and Phase 2B
           respectively. GR Infraprojects in November-end began launching   Bhopal Metro or Bhoj Metro project with 2 lines & 28 stations is
           precast segments for completing pending construction work   an under construction MRTS. This 105 km master plan envisions
           on the 7.5 km Dairy Circle Ramp – Kalena Agrahara section of   6 metro lines criss-crossing the city, out of which 2 lines (line 2
           Bangalore Metro’s Pink Line (Reach 6).              & 5) have been selected for implementation in Phase 1. The
           Several modern technologies have been implemented or are   government estimated project deadline is August 2023.
           under implementation in BMRCL project. These include installation
           of Solar based Power systems of 1.5 MWp installed at 5 stations of   India’s first metro operator, Metro Railway,  Kolkata, initiated
           newly commissioned R-4 extension section. A savings of approx.   services to extend the city’s North-South metro from Noapara to
           `100 Lakhs per annum is expected due to this with the present   Dakshineswar. The 4.1 kms extension provides fast, easy, pollution-
           energy tariff. The stations are designed to utilize the natural   and traffic-free travel to thousands of commuters in the city and
           lighting during day time. LED based lights are installed at all   its adjoining areas. The opening of the new line has shortened

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