Page 11 - CO January 2022
P. 11
Nearly 740 km of metro lines are at present operational in various
cities in India and the network span is steadily scheduled to
rise to about 900 km by 2022. Another 1,016 km of metro and FAST FACTS
RRTS is under construction in 27 cities. Two new technologies i.e.,
‘MetroLite’ and ‘MetroNeo’ will be deployed to provide metro rail Bangalore Metro Trains for the new lines and future
systems at much lesser cost with same experience, convenience projects will be based on unattended train operation
and safety in Tier-2 cities and peripheral areas of Tier-1 cities. systems.
With the government’s support, the implementation of new age Bombardier’s high-tech, highly efficient MOVIA metros
technologies and the emergence of global players in this highly deliver rapid, reliable and cost-effective transport
promising stream, we will soon witness a METRO BOOM in the solutions around the globe.
country, which will be at par with global standards. Cheaper alternatives to conventional metro rail, Metro
At present, India’s Metro network is the fifth-largest globally, Lite & Metro Neo have become the new buzzword for
with trains operating in cities such as Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, smaller cities across India to augment public transport.
Chennai, Hyderabad, Kochi, Jaipur, Gurugram, Noida, Lucknow,
etc. Projects are lined up in various other cities as well. Kolkata Digitization in the metro will pave the way for creating
Metro, launched in 1984, is the oldest while Delhi Metro, which an efficient, reliable and flexible transport system that
commenced operations in 2002, is the second-oldest, as well meets growing passenger traffic demands.
as the largest and busiest. “With Metro train projects already
functional or in the pipeline in several cities across the country,