Page 18 - CO_Feb_2023
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AMMANN INDIA DrumMix Plant ANP Asphalt-Mixing Plants
APOLLO ROAD WetMix Plant AP 550 Sensor Paver
ROOF FOR THE BENEFIT OF WM 6 HES Mechanical Paver KLM 1200 Kerb Laying Machine
Asphalt Plants, Mechanical Pavers, Sensor
Pavers, Kerb laying machines offers the customer
best Value for Price Products & environmental
friendliness. ABC ValueTec ARS Soil Compactor
Road Transport: According to the Economic Survey tabled Civil Aviation: The total number of passengers carried in
recently in the Parliament, there has been an increase in December 2022 stood at 150.1 lakh, which was 106.4 per AMMANN BRANDED PRODUCTS
the construction of National Highways (NHs)/roads over time, cent of the pre-Covid level (average for 11 months from April Asphalt Plants, Sensor Pavers, Compactors
with 10,457 km of roads constructed in FY22 as compared 2019 to February 2020) as per the Economic Survey. During stands for most advanced European Technology
to 6,061 km in FY16. Total budgetary support for investment November 2022, total air cargo tonnage stood at 2.5 lakh in respect of Productivity, Mix- Quality and
in the sector has been increasing rapidly in the last four MT, which is 89 per cent of the pre-Covid levels. Environmental friendliness.
years and stood at around `1.4 lakh crore during FY23 (as Ports: The capacity of major ports, which was 871.5 MTPA
of 31 October 2022). In line with the vision of monetisation at the end of March 2014, has increased to 1534.9 MTPA
of public sector assets, National Highways Authority of India by the end of March 2022. Cumulatively they handled ARX Tandem Roller AFT Asphalt Paver
(NHAI) launched its InvIT in FY22. So far, NHAI InvIT has raised 720.1 MT traffic during FY22, notes the Economic Survey. To
more than `10,200 crore from high quality foreign and further enhance their efficiency, the government is focusing
Indian institutional investors (up to December 2022). on improving port governance, addressing low-capacity
utilisation, modernising berths with techno efficient loading/ Apollo & Ammann manufactured within the
Railways: Freight traffic was sustained by Indian Railways unloading equipment, and creating new channels for port same “State of Art” premises / facility in
(IR) despite the Covid-19 shock. During FY22-23 (up to connectivity. For streamlining the port compliances and Ditasan, Ahmedabad
November 2022), IR carried 976.8 MT of revenue-earning for reducing the Turn Around Time for (TAT) for vessels, long
freight traffic (excluding KRCL), as against 901.7 MT during strides have been taken at the major ports towards the
the corresponding period in FY21-22 (excluding KRCL), which digitisation of key EXIM processes. AMMANN INDIA IS CLOSE TO ALL INDIAN CUSTOMERS:
translated into an increase of 8.3%. Further, the capital • 18 Branch Offices across all over India supporting Apollo & Ammann products, fully equipped with service
expenditure (Capex) on infrastructure in railways has seen Inland Water Transport: Based on the outcome of techno- engineers- and parts from all offices.
a continuous increase in the last four years with Capex (B.E.) economic feasibility and Detailed Project Reports (DPRs), 26
of `2.5 lakh crore in FY23, up by around 29% compared to National Waterways viable for cargo movement have been • Ammann Academy: Fully focused with ”Skill development” accredited with the Skill development Council of India
(IESC) under NSDC- National Skill Development Corporation.
the previous year.Major initiatives under the Indian Railways prioritized, out of which developmental activities have been
include Mumbai Ahmedabad High-speed Rail Project, initiated in the 14 most viable NWs, states the Economic • Honored consecutively 7 times with the best sellers of Asphalt finisher- Apollo Paver Finisher.
Dedicated Freight Corridor Project, Gati Shakti Multi Modal Survey. • Full workshop facility to refurbish mechanical pavers & sensor pavers.
Cargo Terminal, Induction of Vande Bharat Trains, Electrical/ The cargo movement on National Waterways achieved an
Electronic Interlocking System, Development of Hyperloop all-time high of 108.8 million tons during FY22, recording Ammann India Pvt. Ltd.
technology and introduction of Kisan Rail trains in FY21 to 30.1% growth compared to the previous year the Economic Block No. 157, At. Ditasan, P.O – Jagudan Phone: + 91 2762 66 2200, Toll Free: 1800 258 2233
enable speedy movement of perishables. Survey notes. State Highway, Mehsana, Gujarat - 382710, India Email:
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