Page 20 - CO_Feb_2023
P. 20
In another development, the most-awaited hydrogen train will be the maritime industry to strengthen the country’s socio-economic
manufactured by 2023. “First, it will run on heritage circuits like Kalka- and regulatory environment. One of the key initiatives of the
Shimla and later it will be expanded to other places,” Union Railway Ministry is to promote and develop Ro-Ro (Roll-on, Roll-off) ferry
Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw has said. Although hydrogen-powered transportation ecosystem which when compared to traditional
train technology is still in its infancy with only a few countries using it modes of transportation, offers a number of advantages, such
on a limited basis, India’s early adoption is regarded as a significant as shorter trip distances, lower logistics cost and less pollution. In
step toward green initiatives. The upcoming hydrogen-powered the Union Budget 2023-24, it was proposed that Coastal shipping
trains will be known as Vande Metro. It will initially run on historic, will be promoted as the energy efficient and lower cost mode of
narrow-gauge routes including the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, transport, both for passengers and freight, through PPP mode with
the Nilgiri Mountain Railway, the Kalka Shimla Railway, the Matheran viability gap funding which is in line with country’s focus on Green
Hill Railway, the Kangra Valley, the Bilmora Waghai, and the Marwar- Growth. Under the Sagarmala programme, the Ministry is financially
Devgarh Madriya, which will make travel more environmentally supporting 51 projects worth ~`1,900 crore to boost the urban
friendly. water transportation services in India, of which, 10 projects worth
~`500 crore have already been completed.
PORT CONNECTIVITY At present, India is not having landside mega-port and terminal
Finance Minister announced that coastal shipping will be a infrastructure to deal with Ultra-large container ships. Ports need
preferred mode of transport for passengers and freight. This assumes higher draft, several large cranes, better yard management
significance as the Centre has been trying to promote rail-sea-rail capability, increased automation, larger storage facilities, more
(RSR) mode for transportation of coal to avert power crises. inland connectivity and enhanced labour productivity. Ultra-large
Railways Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw emphasised that the national container ships seek speedy unloading of the large volumes they
transporter will take up infrastructure specifically for corridors in carry. To develop global standard ports in India, Maritime India Vision
the upcoming fiscal year. “We will adopt a corridor approach (MIV) 2030 has identified initiatives such as developing world-class
for infrastructure development. This will include port connectivity Mega Ports, transhipment hubs and infrastructure modernization of
corridors under Sagarmala, energy corridors (projects connecting ports. It estimates the investments to the tune of `1,00,000–1,25,000
several coal belts), cement corridor, and hill corridors,” he said. crore for capacity augmentation and development of world-class
The corridors are essential for last-mile multimodal connectivity infrastructure at Indian Ports. The upcoming ports at Vizhinjam
and have been in the backburner for years now. Recently, the (Kerala) and Vadhavan (Maharashtra) have natural drafts in excess
PM-GatiShakti division of the commerce ministry issued directions of 18m that would enable ultra large container and cargo vessels
to expedite these corridors for a reduction in cost of logistics. The to call on the ports thereby boosting the efforts to make India the
railways ministry has been allocated close to `2.15 trillion solely for world’s factory by improving the container and cargo throughput.
commissioning of track upgrade works and procurement of rolling For the holistic development of coastal districts, 567 projects under
stock for capacity enhancement. the Sagarmala programme with an estimated cost of `59,000 crore
Ministry of Ports, Shipping, and Waterways, under its Sagarmala have been identified under the four pillars of Coastal Infrastructure
Programme, has pushed a number of reforms and initiatives in Development, Coastal Industrial Development, Coastal Tourism