Page 22 - CO_Feb_2023
P. 22
Development, and Coastal Community Development. particularly in the North-eastern regions. “The Bharat Mala 1.0 is
The government is also working towards the development of the already in the process and the approval of Bharat Mala 2.0 is
Mega International Container Transhipment Port (ICTP) at Galathea pending with the cabinet. The aim is to make green highways.
Bay. This aims to improve the economic opportunity for the rapid There is one road existing in this form from Delhi to Dehradun.
increase in the size of all types of vessels – from feeders to large We are making a highway from Akshardham through which it will
inter-continental carriers. The development also helps to bridge the be possible reach Delhi to Dehradun and
infrastructural gaps of the island. Haridwar in 2 hours, Delhi to Amritsar in 2.5
hours, Delhi to Srinagar in 8 hours, Delhi to
UPCOMING & ONGOING INFRA PROJECTS Katra in 6 hours, Delhi to Jaipur 2 hours and
Several government-backed infrastructure projects have been Chennai to Bangalore in 2 hours etc. This
announced by the Indian government over the past few years, kind of work in underway ranging from land
which are aimed at modernizing India’s infrastructure and improving acquisition to road development,” informed
the quality of life for its citizens. A Sneak Peek into Infrastructure Nitin Gadkari, Union Minister of Road Transport and Highways.
Development Projects of 2023…
Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC)
Bharatmala Pariyojana The 1,483-kilometer-long DMIC project, with a US$90 billion budget,
With a projected budget of US$130 billion, the Bharatmala runs from Delhi to Mumbai via Haryana, Rajasthan, Gujarat, and
Project proposes to build or upgrade nearly 34,800 kms of Maharashtra. The project also intends to provide employment
national highways and border roads to provide road connectivity possibilities and greatly increase the nation’s GDP. By establishing
throughout the nation. As part of the project, national highways, logistics hubs and industrial zones, including ports, airports,
bridges, flyovers, bypasses, ring roads, elevated corridors, tunnels, highways, and power plants in addition to schools and hospitals, the
and overpasses will be built to improve India’s overall connectivity, initiative seeks to encourage economic growth and industrialization
along the Delhi-Mumbai freight corridor. The recent Sohna-Dausa
stretch inauguration marks the beginning of a new chapter of
economic growth in the
region. The total travel time
from Dhaula Kuan to Jaipur
via the Gurgaon expressway,
Delhi-Mumbai expressway,
and Agra-Jaipur national
highway will be around four
hours. Commuters will get
the maximum benefit of
the expressway by the end
of 2024 when two more
links — a 60-km road from
Delhi-Noida Direct (DND)
flyway to Sohna and direct-