Page 13 - CO_Feb_2023
P. 13
“In this Amrit Kaal”, the Prime Minister said that the country
is moving forward rapidly on the path of development
with the objective of a developed India. With the path
to development being multidimensional, it focuses on the
needs and necessities of the common citizen and presents
needs and necessities of the common citizen and presents
The capital outlay for infrastructure was announced to be at `10 a roadmap for advanced infrastructure.
a roadmap for advanced infrastructure.
lakh crore, at 3.3% of GDP. This is expected to have a multiplier The government adopted a
The government adopted a
effect across sectors and set a strong footing for a resilient new approach to infrastructure
new approach to infrastructure
growth. Measures and steps taken to make municipal and state development as supply chain and
development as supply chain and
finances more viable, would give them more elbowroom to incur logistics depend on multi-modal
logistics depend on multi-modal
expenditure and make them financially healthy in the long term. connectivity while focussing on an
connectivity while focussing on an
Further, a dedicated amount of `10,000 crore per annum has integrated view of development.
integrated view of development.
been allocated through urban infra development fund for tier II The Prime Minister credited this
The Prime Minister credited this
& III cities. This will result in creation of quality urban infrastructure, integrated view of development
integrated view of development
thereby improving quality of life. This will also translate into higher to PM Gati Shakti National
to PM Gati Shakti National
demand for housing and commercial real estate. Master Plan and remarked
Master Plan and remarked
Ratings agency ICRA stated that the government’s continued focus that it has not only
that it has not only
on capital investments would drive investments in infrastructure accelerated the pace of
accelerated the pace of
development and the construction sector. “The Union Budget has infrastructure construction
infrastructure construction
provided a much larger-than-expected boost to growth-inducing but has also reduced the
but has also reduced the
capital spending, while at the same time managing a fair degree cost of projects.
of fiscal consolidation. The Budget proposals are likely to enhance