Page 45 - Construction_Opportunities_June_2024
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           NHAI ESTABLISHES DEDICATED CELL TO REVIEW       professionals, including Principal DPR Experts and specialists
                NATIONAL HIGHWAY PROJECT DPRS              in road safety, traffic, land acquisition, bridges, tunnels,
       The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) announced the   geotechnical aspects, highway design, and forestry. These
       establishment of a dedicated cell to review the detailed project   experts will develop mechanisms and monitoring systems to  INFRASTRUCTURE
       reports (DPRs) of national highway (NH) projects. This move aims   ensure uniform implementation of the review process throughout
       to ensure the highest construction standards, cost-effectiveness,   the DPR project lifecycle. The team will also study bid documents
       and timely completion of NH projects.               and technical schedules, providing cost estimates based on
       Located at NHAI headquarters in New Delhi, the DPR cell will   design features.
       provide expert inputs and enable end-to-end monitoring of   Additionally, the cell will assist in planning pre-construction
       DPRs for NH projects. This initiative will standardize the review   activities and integrating projects with the Highway Information
       mechanism, ensuring quality DPRs are prepared and reviewed   Model Software (HIMS). Officials from the cell will undertake site
       before project implementation.                      visits to evaluate proposals from DPR/design consultants and
       A DPR is critical for the successful execution of NH projects,   suggest innovative practices to enhance the quality of DPRs
       encompassing various surveys, investigations, and designs. The   relevant to each project.
       new cell will finalize parameters for all highway components   By preparing accurate reports, the DPR cell aims to facilitate the
       according to IRC specifications and standards.      development of world-class national highways, contributing to
       The DPR cell will consist of a dedicated team of around 40   the nation’s growth.

           PROPOSALS FOR TEESTA PROJECT: PM HASINA         China has conducted a physical survey for the project, while
       Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina of Bangladesh announced that her   India has indicated readiness to undertake further studies for its
       government would assess proposals from both India and China for   implementation. The project’s potential geopolitical implications,
       a significant project on the cross-border Teesta River, involving the   especially near India’s strategic Siliguri Corridor, have been a topic
       construction of a reservoir, and would select the most beneficial   of consideration.
       option for the country.                             Regarding the long-standing issue of Teesta River water sharing
       Following her recent visit to India at the invitation of Prime Minister   with India, Hasina expressed that resolving the matter through joint
       Narendra Modi, Hasina described the trip as highly productive,   efforts would ease tensions and benefit both nations.
       emphasizing that the discussions held would play a crucial role   “We have a historical issue with India on the sharing of water from
       in strengthening bilateral relations and exploring new avenues of   54 common rivers, including the Teesta. India’s cooperation in
       cooperation.                                        developing the Teesta project will also address these concerns,”
       “We have received proposals from both China and India regarding   she affirmed.
       the Teesta project. We will evaluate each proposal and choose   Hasina underscored her government’s commitment to maintaining
       the one that best serves our national interests,” stated Hasina   friendly relations with both India and China, highlighting
       during a press conference in Dhaka.                 Bangladesh’s independence in its foreign policy decisions. She
       Responding to questions about her preference between India   also addressed concerns about rail connectivity with India,
       and China regarding the Teesta Project, Hasina stressed that   stressing its importance for bilateral trade and economic growth.
       Bangladesh’s decisions are guided by its developmental needs   In  conclusion,  Hasina  affirmed  her  upcoming  visit  to  China,
       and the potential benefits to its people.           following an invitation from the Chinese government, as part
       “Each proposal will be considered based on factors such as   of Bangladesh’s ongoing efforts to strengthen international
       suitability, financial viability, and overall impact on our country,”   partnerships and advance its national interests.

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