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                                         CCMA Successfully Orchestrates the C3

                                           8  Edition of International Construction
                                                      Chemicals Conference

         The C3, 8  Edition of the   This year’s conference, themed “Innovations   setting new standards in the construction
        International Construction   in Construction Chemicals for Sustainable   chemicals industry.
          Chemicals Conference,      Infrastructure,” brought together industry   Networking Opportunities: The conference saw
                                     leaders, experts, and stakeholders from across
           held on June 10th and     the globe to discuss and showcase the latest   participation from a diverse group of attendees,
           11th, 2024 at Hotel The   advancements in sustainable construction   including representatives from government
       Lalit, Mumbai, India, was a   practices. The event was graced by Er. Nalin   institutes and construction bodies, real estate
              resounding success     Gupta, Director of J. Kumar, as the esteemed   developers, builders and civil contractors,
                                     Chief Guest and Dr.Amit Sharma, Managing   infrastructural and industrial enterprises, civil
                                     Director of Tata Projects, as the distinguished   engineers, architects, consultants, PMCs,
                                     Guest of Honour. The day commenced   EPC contractors, and professionals from the
                                     with a lamp lighting ceremony, followed by   construction chemicals sector. The conference
                                     a welcoming address from Er. Himanshu   underscored the importance of sustainability
                                     Kapadia, President of CCMA and vote of   in construction chemicals, emphasizing the
                                     thanks delivered by Er. Kartheck Pandiyan,   need for environment-friendly materials, the
                                     Secretary of CCMA.                   incorporation of locally available resources to
                                                                          reduce carbon footprints, and the adoption
                                     Technical Sessions:  The event featured a   of innovative application practices to create
                                     comprehensive range of sessions covering   durable structures. The C3, 8  Edition of
                                     various topics related to sustainability in   the International Construction Chemicals
                                     construction chemicals, including the use of   Conference successfully highlighted the critical
                                     environmentally friendly materials, increasing   role of construction chemicals in sustainable
                                     productivity, extending the repair-free life of   infrastructure development. The event
                                     structures, and reducing waste materials.   provided a platform for industry professionals
                                     Engaging presentations by industry experts   to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and
                                     provided valuable insights into cutting-edge   forge valuable connections, setting the stage
                                     technologies and best practices in the field of   for future innovations and advancements in
                                     construction chemicals.              the sector.

                                     Exhibition Area: Attendees had the opportunity   For more details contact:
                                     to explore an exhibition area featuring   Email:
                                     innovative products and services that are   Website:

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