Organisation: National Highways Authority of India| Head Office – NHAI
Location: NHAI HQ
Tender Value: Rs.1,82,02,00,000
Due Date: 03-Mar-2025
Contact: G Hari Krishna
Tel: +91 – 11 25074100
Detail: Const of flyovers VUPs along with slip roads at Lalacheruvu at Km. 907.300 (BS ID No AP (03) 297)ITC Junc Km.909.000 (BS ID No AP(03)298)and at Vemagiri (BS ID No AP(03)291)for rectification of BS on NH216A in Andhra Pradesh on EPC mode.
Organisation: National Highways Authority of India| RO-Bhopal
Location: RO, Bhopal
Tender Value: Rs.63,68,73,023
Due Date: 10-Feb-2025
Contact: Shrawan Kumar Singh
Tel: +91 755 2426638
Detail: Maintenance work of Existing 2 lane with paved shoulder Indore Betul road NH 47 From Ch. 181.200 to 233.000
Organisation: National Highways Authority of India| RO-Nagpur
Tender Value: Rs.37,25,21,552
Due Date: 12-Feb-2025
Contact: Nirmal M Zade
Tel: +91 712-2520091
Detail: Construction of VUP at Km 226.160 at Nipana Junction on Kurankhed to Shelad Section of NH 53 in the State of Maharashtraon EPC mode
Organisation: National Highways Authority of India| Head Office – NHAI
Location: NHAI HQ
Tender Value: Rs.23,61,08,00,000
Due Date: 27-Feb-2025
Contact: KM Sharma
Tel: +91 – 11 25074100
Detail: 4 Laning of Rajapalayam to Shenkottai Section of NH-744 from Km 71.600 to Km 139900 (Design Chainage) in Tamil Nadu on Hybrid Annuity Mode (Project Length 68.3Km).
Organisation: National Highways Authority of India| RO-Kolkata
Location: LUCKNOW
Tender Value: Rs.89,50,87,707
Due Date: 07-Feb-2025
Contact: Regional Officer West UP
Tel: +91 522- 4960291
Detail: Strengthening and bituminous overlay along with other rectification activities-drain cover replacement, kerb raising, MBCB replacement, painting etc. of Orai Bhognipur Barah section on BOT (Annuity) basis in the state of UP-2nd Call
Organisation: National Highways Authority of India | Head Office – NHAI
Location: NHAI HQ
Tender Value: Rs.15,92,95,00,000
Due Date: 27-Feb-2025
Contact: Ashvini Kumar Rai
Tel: +91 – 11 25074100
Detail: Construction of new 4 lane with paved shoulder Access controlled coastal Highway from Puri to Kakatpur (km. 47.340 to km. 89.400) on Hybrid Annuity Mode in the State of Odisha (Package II)
Organisation: National Highways Authority of India| Head Office – NHAI
Location: NHAI HQ
Tender Value: Rs.22,01,17,00,000
Due Date: 27-Feb-2025
Contact: Ashvini Kumar Rai
Tel: +91 – 11 25074100
Detail: Construction of new 4 lane with paved shoulder Access controlled coastal Highway from Kakatpur to Erasama (Km.89.400 to Km. 137.00) on Hybrid Annuity Mode in the state of Odisha (Package III)
Organisation: National Highways Authority of India|Head Office – NHAI
Location: NHAI HQ
Tender Value: Rs.18,75,90,00,000
Due Date: 24-Feb-2025
Contact: Ashvini Kumar Rai
Tel: +91 – 11 25074100
Detail: Construction of new 4 lane with paved shoulder Access controlled coastal Highway from Rameshwar to Puri (km.0 to km. 47.340) on Hybrid Annuity Mode in the State of Odisha (Package I)
Organisation: National Highways Authority of India| RO-Chennai
Location: Thanjavur – Trichy
Tender Value: Rs.22,83,44,787
Due Date: 07-Feb-2025
Contact: Regional Officer, NHAI, Regional Office, Madurai
Tel: +91 452 2587750
Detail: Permanent Rectification of Blackspot (TN-02-481) by Construction of 4-lane VUP at Km 105.335 (Budhalur Junction) in Thanjavur to Trichy section of NH-67(New NH-83) in the State of Tamil Nadu on EPC mode
Organisation: National Highways Authority of India | Head Office – NHAI
Location: NHAI HQ
Tender Value: Rs.27,79,17,00,000
Due Date: 27-Feb-2025
Contact: Pankaj Asati
Tel: +91 11 25074100
Detail: Const. of STRR(West side) NH948A Kunigal (Ramanagara Taluk) to S Mudugadapalli (Hosur Taluk) from Km 79 to km 144.25 144.00 DC PhaseII in Karnataka on HAM (PL 65.25 kms)
Organisation: National Highways Authority of India| Head Office – NHAI
Location: NHAI HQ
Tender Value: Rs.26,42,40,00,000
Due Date: 27-Feb-2025
Tel: +91 11 25074100
Detail: Const. of STRR (West side) NH948A Obalapura (Nelamangala Taluk))to Kunigal(Ramanagara Taluk) from Km 0 to km 79 DC Phase in Karnataka on HAM (PL79 kms)
Organisation: National Highways Authority of India| RO-Mumbai
Location: Pune
Tender Value: Rs.99,19,95,536
Due Date: 28-Jan-2025
Contact: Chief General Manager and Regional Officer Mumbai
Tel: +91- 22-27564100
Detail: Construction of additional structures at i Warvand Ch 59 000 ii Patas Ch 66 350 and iii Khadaki Ch 90 300 on Pune Solapur NH 65 from km 40 000 to km 150 050 in the state of Maharashtra on EPC Mode
Organisation: National Highways Authority of India| RO-Chennai
Location: Hosur-Krishnagiri section, NH-44
Tender Value: Rs.37,93,00,000
Due Date: 10-Feb-2025
Contact: Regional Officer, NHAI Chennai
Tel: +91 44 – 2225 2635
Detail: Permanent Rectification of Black Spot TN-02-078 by construction of 2 Flyovers at Entry and Exit of Hosur New Bus Stand location at Km.43.400 and SVUP at Km.43.900 in Hosur Krishnagiri section of NH-44 (Old NH-7) in the State of Tamil Nadu on EPC mode
Organisation: National Highways Authority of India| Head Office – NHAI
Location: NHAI HQ
Tender Value: Rs.1,27,36,00,000
Due Date: 20-Feb-2025
Contact: Mr. Rajneesh Kapoor
Tel: +91 11 25074100
Detail: Construction of 3 Nos of Standalone safety structures/works at different locations on 4 lane Wakhari Dharampuri section of NH-965 (Sant Dnyaneshwar Maharaj Palkhi Marg) in the state of Maharashtra on EPC Mode.
Organisation: National Highways Authority of India| Head Office – NHAI
Location: NHAI HQ
Tender Value: Rs.4,37,00,00,000
Due Date: 17-Feb-2025
Contact: Mr. Rajneesh Kapoor
Tel: +91 – 11 25074100
Detail: Upgrad to 2 Lane with paved shoulder 4lane of SHirwal to Lonand sec from Km 159.900 to Km. 186.828 of NH965DD and 2lane with paved sholders of Lonand to Satara Sec from Km 184.994 to Km 2287.131 of NH965D in Maharashtra on EPC mode.
Organisation: National Highways Authority of India| Head Office – NHAI
Location: NHAI HQ
Tender Value: Rs.1,45,53,00,000
Due Date: 17-Feb-2025
Contact: Mr. Rajneesh Kapoor
Tel: +91 – 11 25074100
Detail: Const of Standalone Flyover cum ROB from DC.66.600 to DC.68.800 sec of NH-353B in Gadchandur Town in the State of Maharashtra on EPC Mode
Organisation: National Highways Authority of India| Head Office – NHAI
Tender Value: Rs.1,60,00,00,000
Due Date: 4-Feb-2025
Contact: Regional officer Jaipur
Tel: +91 141-2292049
Detail: Strengthening and Overlay including Operation and Maintenance of 2LPS of Gulabpura Uniara section of NH 148D length 203.977 on EPC mode in state of Rajasthan
Organisation: National Highways Authority of India| Head Office – NHAI
Tender Value: Rs.1,15,00,00,000
Due Date: 04-Feb-2025
Contact: Regional officer Jaipur
Tel: +91 141-2292049
Detail: Strengthening and Overlay of Four Laning of Kota Baran Section of NH 27 from Km 1080.263 to Km 1184.322 on EPC Mode in the state of Rajasthan
Organisation: National Highways Authority of India| Head Office – NHAI
Location: NHAI HQ
Tender Value: Rs.1,96,15,00,000
Due Date: 19-Feb-2025
Contact: Mr. Ashvini Rai
Tel: +91 – 11 25074100
Detail: Balance work of Rehabilitation and Upgradation to four laning of Baharagora Singhara sec. of NH-49 from Km.229.727 to Km.238.990 including cons. of Five Elephant Underpasses (EUPs) and Fourteen Animal Underpasses (AUPs) in Odisha state on EPC Mode.
Organisation: National Highways Authority of India| Head Office – NHAI
Location: NHAI HQ
Tender Value: Rs.2,63,30,00,000
Due Date: 21-Feb-2025
Contact: Mr. G Hari Krishna
Tel: +91- 11 25074100
Detail: Const of EC for Gammon Junc at Km. 903.265 Blackspot ID No. AP 05 092 and Diwancheruvu junc at Km. 902.308 Blackspot ID No. AP 03 299 on NH16 in Andhra Pradesh under NH(O) on EPC mode.
Organisation: National Highways Authority of India| RO-Hyderabad
Location: Hyderabad to Bangalore Section of NH-44
Tender Value: Rs.1,58,01,48,324
Due Date: 04-Feb-2025
Contact: RO Hyderabad
Tel: +91 40 – 29562147
Detail: Construction of 6-Lane Underpasses (5 Nos) and allied works on Existing 4 Lane Hyderabad to Bangalore Section of NH-44 from Km 35.165 to Km 74.965 in the State of Telangana on EPC Mode, as part of Long term Rectification of MoRTH Identified Black Spot
Organisation: National Highways Authority of India| RO-Chennai
Location: Madurai – Kanyakumari / Nagercoil – Kavalkinaru
Tender Value: Rs.84,85,34,707
Due Date: 31-Jan-2025
Contact: Regional Officer, NHAI, Regional Office, Madurai
Tel: +91 452 2587750
Detail: Construction of VUP with Service Road at Km 220.280 (Kavalkinaru) and LVUP at Km 78.050 (Padanthal Junction, Sattur) in Madurai to Kanyakumari section of NH44 and Retaining Wall from Km 6.838 to Km 6.923 of NH944 on Item Rate Contract in TN State.w