Page 51 - Construction_Opportunities_September_2024
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                CIVIL WORK                                                                                          TENDERS

            Due Date: 10-Oct-2024             NH925 DC 0.000 to 136.520 and Sata   Contact: Pankaj Asati
            Contact: Regional Officer, Bhopal  Gandhav Section NH925A DC 0.000 to   Tel: +91 11 25074100
            Tel: +91 – 755 2426638            60.450 TL 196.970km. in Rajasthan  E-mail:
            E-mail:                                            Detail: Construction of STRR-NH948A
            Detail: Strengthening and routine   Organisation: National Highways   Thattekere (Kanakapura Taluk) to
            Maintenance under O and M of Damoh   Authority of India| Head Office - NHAI  Bagganadoddi (Anekal Taluk) from
            Jabalpur from Ch. 1.000 to 96.000 of   Location: NHAI HQ             km 112.640 to km 120.980 (Design
            NH34 in the state of M.P.          Tender Value: `5,07,39,00,000     Chainage) in Karnataka on HAM Project
                                              Due Date: 21-Oct-2024              Length - 8.340 km (Phase II Package 2)
            Organisation: National            Contact: Pankaj Asati
            Highways Authority of India| RO-  Tel: +91 - 11 25074100             Organisation: National Highways
            Thiruvananthapuram                E-mail:           Authority of India| National Highways
            Location: Thiruvananthapuram      Detail: Construction of STRR, NH948A   Logistics Management Limited
            Tender Value: `5,02,40,730        Bagganadoddi Anekal Taluk) to S.   Location: NHLML HQ
            Due Date: 07-Oct-2024             Mudugadapalli (Hosur Taluk) from   Tender Value: `10,39,24,00,000
            Contact: Regional Officer         km 120.980 to km 144.250-144.000   Due Date: 22-Oct-2024
            Tel: +91 471-2460924/2460060      in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu on     Contact: Sanjeev Patil
            E-mail:         HAM Project Length-23.27 (Phase-II   Tel: +91 - 11 25074100
            Detail: Construction of Service Roads   Package-3).                  E-mail:
            and widening of Main Carriageway at                                  Detail: Construction of 4 Lane Access
            Kuthiran (Km.246.750 to Km. 247.020   Organisation: National Highways   controlled Highway from Vakalapudi
            RHS), Junction Improvement at Athani   Authority of India| Head Office - NHAI  Light House to Annavaram on NH-16
            Jn (from Km 323.920 to Km 324.270 LHS)   Location: NHAI HQ           section of NH-516F from Km. 0.000 to
            and Airport Jn (from Km 324.290 to km   Tender Value: `14,19,90,00,000  Km. 40.621, on HAM under Bharatmala
            324.650 BHS) as part of Rectification  Due Date: 21-Oct-2024         Pariyojana, Phase-1 in the State of
                                              Contact: Pankaj Asati              Andhra Pradesh
            Organisation: National Highways   Tel: +91 - 11 25074100
            Authority of India| RO-Guwahati   E-mail:           Organisation: National Highways
            Location: NHAI, RO GHY            Detail: Construction of STRRNH 948A   Authority of India| RO-Bangalore
            Tender Value: `1,87,65,572        Obalapura (Nelamangala Taluk) to   Tender Value: `67,85,79,362
            Due Date: 05-Oct-2024             Somakkanamutta (Magadi Taluk) from   Due Date: 17-Oct-2024
            Contact: RO GHY                   km 0.00 to km46.30 in Karnataka on HAM   Contact: Vilas P. Brahmankar
            Tel: +91 361-2237995              Project Length 46.30 Km Phase-I Pkg1  Tel: +91- 80-28397171
            E-mail:                                               E-mail:
            Detail: Special Repair of Bridges Using   Organisation: National Highways   Detail: Construction of Vehicular
            UHPFRC at Km 140.200 and 171.455   Authority of India| Head Office - NHAI  underpass at Kudal Sangam cross at
            along the Two Lane with paved     Location: NHAI HQ                  Km.305.446 Black spot ID KA 02 367
            shoulders configuration in Jowai-  Tender Value: `9,78,91,00,000     and VUP at Belgal cross at Km.307.151
            Meghalaya Assam Border Section of   Due Date: 21-Oct-2024            Black spot ID KA02 249 on the 4 lane
            NH-44(New NH-06) from Km 69.200 to   Contact: Pankaj Asati           Bijapur Hungund section of NH 50 from
            Km173.200 in the State of Meghalaya.  Tel: +91 11 25074100           Km.225.800 to Km.323.012
            Organisation: National Highways   Detail: Construction of STRR (West side)   Organisation: National Highways
            Authority of India| Head Office - NHAI  NH948A Kunagal Ramanagara Taluk)   Authority of India| Head Office - NHAI
            Location: NHAI HQ                 to Thattekere (Kanakapura Taluk) from   Location: NHAI HQ
            Tender Value: `1,90,84,38,139     km 79.000 to km 112.640 (Design)   Tender Value: `6,46,09,00,000
            Due Date: 08-Oct-2024             Package-1 in the state of Karnataka on   Due Date: 16-Oct-2024
            Contact: KK Arora                 Hybrid Annuity Mode                Contact: Pradeep Kumar Lal
            Tel: +91 - 11 25074100                                               Tel: +9111 25074100
            E-mail:          Organisation: National Highways    E-mail:
            Detail: Routine Maintenance and   Authority of India| Head Office - NHAI  Detail: Construction of 4 lane Western
            Periodic renewal work of 2lane with   Location: NHAI HQ              Bypass of Gwalior from Km 0.000 to Km
            paved shoulder/4 lane of Gagaria   Tender Value: `10,18,35,00,000    28.800 in the State of Madhya Pradesh
            BaoriKalan Serva Bakhasar Section of   Due Date: 21-Oct-2024         on EPC Mode under NH(O) scheme.

                                                                         SEPTEMBER 2024|CONSTRUCTION OPPORTUNITIES  51
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