Page 27 - Construction_Opportunities_June_2024
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           DRA HOMES ANNOUNCES UPSCALE APARTMENT           an ideal location for the new development.
                      PROJECT IN CHENNAI                   “We are thrilled about our latest project in
       DRA Homes, a real estate developer in Chennai, has announced   OMR. The sea-view apartments will offer an
       plans to develop 400 upscale sea-view apartments on OMR in   unparalleled living experience, combining   CONSTRUCTION
       Chennai. The project follows the company’s acquisition of 3.43   luxury with a unique lifestyle experience,”
       acres of prime land in Navalur. Spread over 7 lakh square feet,   said Ranjeeth Rathod, Managing Director
       DRA Homes aims to launch the project in the first quarter of 2025,   of DRA Homes.
       according to a company statement. Navalur, known for its dense   With this new project, DRA Homes is
       population and ecosystem of office spaces, residential areas,   projected to generate a top-line of `650 crore over the next four
       retail outlets, schools, colleges, and hospitals, is expected to be   years.
        ESR ACQUIRES ADDITIONAL 27 ACRES IN CHENNAI’S      Oragadam-Sriperumbudur precinct, which has witnessed
            ORAGADAM TO EXPAND INDUSTRIAL PARK.            robust demand for Grade A industrial buildings in the past two
       Asia Pacific-focused real estate services and investment major   years. In addition, sizable contiguous land parcels are scarce
       ESR Group has acquired additional 27 acres of land to expand   in Oragadam, making ESR’s industrial and Logistics Park highly
       its industrial and logistics park in Chennai’s Oragadam. With   valuable.
       this acquisition, the expanded area of ESR Oragadam Industrial   ESR Oragadam is strategically located along State Highway 48,
       & Logistics Park will now span 107 acres with a development   with multimodal connectivity by air, road, rail, and sea, as well
       potential of 2.5 million sq ft.                     as access to three major ports aiding international trade.
       The Hong Kong Stock Exchange-listed company will be investing   Tamil Nadu boasts the second-largest industrial base in the
       over `276 crores for the construction and development, including   country with Oragadam being a leading manufacturing
       land cost, of the additional space at this warehousing hub.  destination for automobile, auto ancillary, defense, electronics,
       This latest expansion builds upon the delivery of ESR Oragadam’s   renewable energy, and aerospace. This well-developed hub
       first two phases, which counts many key occupiers including   caters to a diverse range of customers, such as Daimler,
       electromechanical  solutions  provider  CUBIC,  automotive   Royal Enfield, Apollo Tyres and Komatsu, alongside leading
       research and development firm A2Mac1, and specialty labelling   manufacturers in electronics and engineering.
       company CCL.                                        ESR Group is Asia-Pacific’s leading new economy real asset
       “ESR’s expansion in Oragadam is a pivotal step in our support   manager and one of the largest listed real estate investment
       for Tamil Nadu’s commitment to becoming a major industrial   managers globally.
       hub. This project transcends Grade A                ESR India is a part of ESR Group, Asia-Pacific’s leading real asset
       industrial buildings. By upgrading the              manager for new economy sectors like logistics, manufacturing,
       supply chain with modern infrastructure,            data centres, life sciences, infrastructure, and renewables. ESR
       we are empowering a new era of                      India manages 22 industrial and logistics parks with a total assets
       advanced manufacturing and logistics                under management of $1.7 billion and a gross floor area of 2.8
       for customers and communities. This                 million sq meters as of December.
       expansion positions ESR as a contributor            With an upsurge in the share of organised retail and
       to Tamil Nadu’s industrial transformation,” said Abhijit Malkani,   e-commerce, supported by emerging sectors such as electric
       CEO of ESR India.                                   vehicles and semiconductors, the industrial and logistics
       According to him, integrating green building practices and   asset class is expected to outperform other real estate and
       sustainable infrastructure into the project’s design will enable   infrastructure asset classes in the medium term.
       businesses to operate efficiently while minimising their   In India, a favourable regulatory environment, along with the
       environmental impact.                               government’s support through policy and reforms, has started to
       The company’s additional investment will provide the opportunity   boost spending in infrastructure and in turn the overall demand
       for other major customers to establish their operations in the   for modern warehousing.

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