Page 31 - Construction_Opportunities_June_2024
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         MANITOU GROUP AND KILOUTOU PRESENT THE FIRST      François Renault, Director of Equipment & Sustainable
                     “RETROFIT” TELEHANDLER                Development, Kiloutou Group, explains: “At a time when electric
       Manitou Group, as a world reference in handling, aerial work   is set to become the norm and gradually   EQUIPMENT
       platforms and earth moving sectors, and Kiloutou, Europe’s third   replace fossil fuels, we see retrofitting as
       largest equipment rental company, are previewing the first “retrofit”   an alternative to mass replacement. It is
       electric telehandler. An opportunity for the groups to test a solution   perfectly  aligned  with  a  comprehensive
       that is both sustainable and circular.  The partnership between   fleet upgrade program, without the need
       Manitou Group and Kiloutou, which first began in early 2023, is   to buy everything back. This project with
       really coming into its own with the exclusive presentation of the first   Manitou Group pushes back the limits
       electric telehandler based on a used combustion model. After   of the possible in terms of the circular
       studying the technical feasibility of the project for the past year,   economy and decarbonization. I’m delighted with this project,
       Manitou Group’s R&D and Services & Solutions teams have come   which enables our respective teams to share their know-how, and
       up with an electrification kit in line with the specifications shared   I’m particularly proud to see the expertise of Kiloutou’s Test Center
       by Kiloutou. All the safety criteria are met, and performance is   and Purchasing Department at work.”
       equivalent to the internal combustion version.  The retrofit is a   The two companies are now in the process of concluding a
       transitional solution that is both sustainable and circular, with a   usage partnership with a major construction company, starting
       40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared with an   in September 2024. Over a period of one year, it will enable the
       internal combustion machine. Once fitted with its electrification   equipment to be tested on various worksites and indicators such
       kit, the converted equipment will be integrated into the IMPAKT   as range, charging methods and customer feedback to be
       offer, dedicated to alternative, more environmentally friendly   analyzed in real-life conditions.”
       powertrains and available from Kiloutou branches in France.
       Michel Denis, CEO of the Manitou Group, adds: “We are proud to   Retrofit key figures:
       present this first ‘retrofit’ telehandler. I would   •   2,000 hours of development
       like to thank all the teams involved in this        •   50 people involved in the project
       virtuous project. This close collaboration with     •   40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared with
       rental customers like Kiloutou shows just how          internal combustion equipment
       important it is to join forces to make quicker      •   25% reduction in the environmental score* with the
       progress on sustainable solutions for the              electrification kit
       users of our machines. This development             •   5  years  of  use  minimum  following  installation  of  the
       is fully in line with the objectives of our CSR        electrification kit**
       roadmap, which aims to make the circular economy a priority.”  *Weighted average of 16 indicators (climate/biodiversity/health/resources) compared
                                                           with keeping an internal combustion machine
                                                           ** Number of years required in the specifications following equipment modification

       NEXT-GENERATION TYRES FOR COMMERCIAL VEHICLES       All four tyres have undergone extensive testing in a
       Indian tyre major and leader in Truck Bus Radial tyres, JK Tyre   variety of conditions to meet the highest standards of
       & Industries, recently introduced an advanced range of tyres   quality and performance. The four innovative tyres are:
       designed to meet the evolving needs of the transportation sector.   JETWAY JUM XM: The JETWAY JUM XM boasts a 4-Star Rating and
       JK Tyre plans to further strengthen their Truck & Bus Radial range   an RRc value of 4.9 KN/n, making it the most energy-efficient in its
       with four new variants: JETWAY JUM XM, JETWAY JUC XM, JETSTEEL   category. This next-generation tubeless tyre is designed specifically
       JDC XD, and the revolutionary JETWAY JUXe for electric buses. The   for buses and trucks to set new benchmarks for fuel economy
       expansion of its product portfolio underscores JK Tyre’s dedication   and cost optimization. This translates to significant fuel savings for
       to providing advanced, high-performance solutions that combine   transporters, addressing a crucial factor as fuel expenses account
       superior performance, economic benefits, and environmental   for approximately 50% of total operating costs in India.  Additionally,
       responsibility. These new tyres mark a significant milestone for JK   reducing fuel consumption will also help to significantly reduce
       Tyre and its commitment to driving sustainable mobility solutions.   carbon emissions, providing a sustainable and economically viable
       By delivering tyres that enhance performance, operational   solution for the transportation industry.
       efficiency, cost savings and  sustainability, JK Tyre continues to   JETWAY JUC XM and JETSTEEL JDC XD: In response to India’s robust
       lead the way in revolutionizing India’s transportation landscape.   infrastructure development, the company has launched its cutting-
       Speaking at the launch, Anuj Kathuria, President (India), JK Tyre &   edge X-Series product range: JETWAY JUC XM and JETSTEEL JDC
       Industries Ltd, said, “As a leader in this category, we have a deep   XD tyres. Engineered to meet the current demand, these two tyres
       understanding of the segment and feel a responsibility to introduce   offer enhanced performance, durability, and efficiency. With a
       sustainable solutions with advanced technology. Our latest   remarkable 10% longer tyre life, the JUC XM has been developed for
       offerings demonstrate our unwavering commitment to delivering   tippers and trailers, delivering lower operational costs and increased
       high-performance, economically viable, and environmentally   efficiency, making it an ideal choice. Whereas, the JDC XD tyre
       conscious solutions. We are confident that these tyres will serve as   is made to handle the demanding requirements of heavy-load
       a dependable companion for fleet operators, ensuring safety on   transportation, ensuring long-lasting performance and reliability

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