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COVER STORY                                                                                                        ARX 90.2 ARTICULATED TANDEM ROLLER
                                                                                                                              CEV STAGE IV

           and easy to service as they are powerful – in fact, they are among   uncrushable material to fall through. The “Ringbounce Detection”,
           the most versatile and trusted cone crushers on the market. Thanks   on the other hand, reacts to an excessively high share of fines in
           to its Prisec technology, these mobile impact crushers provide   the feed material and prevents “briquetting” – which means the
           unrivaled performance and versatility. With their revolutionary   clogging of the crusher or sticking together of the material. Here,
           control and extreme flexibility, these crushers are designed to   the hydraulic pressure of the crusher is monitored continuously. The
           make both recycling and quarrying easier than ever. Now, these   system reacts as required and therefore prevents latent overloads.
           machines also come with Sandvik My Fleet, which provides   The AVC Series of Propel Cone Crusher offers the higher crushing
           complete visibility of your fleet, enabling you to plan, run and   efficiency and end product quality with lower cost per ton
           service your equipment more efficiently.            production.  These  crushers  feature  a  unique  combination  of
           In rock and stone processing, during the crushing process, various   crusher speed, throw and cavity design. They come with bigger
           short-term or prolonged overload situations can arise. The overload   mantle diameter combined with effective speed to enhance
           systems of the MC 110 EVO2 and MCO 90 EVO2 from Wirtgen,   productivity and dual-dust seal system. There is also an availability
           pursue an important goal: increase in the operational readiness   of specially defined chambers to crush coarse/fine feed materials
           of the plant in a sustainable manner by guaranteeing a crushing   and also to cover open / closed circuit.
           process that is as continuous as possible. Both crushing machines   Puzzolana offers complete range of single toggle jaw crushers for
           are equipped with mechanically and software-supported   all types of rock, ores & minerals. These crushers are designed to   A SMOOTH, POWERFUL ROLLER
           overload systems.                                   operate in most rugged environment and need less maintenance.
           With its multi-stage overload system, the jaw crusher MOBICAT   Puzzolana’s range of single toggle jaw crushers are designed with
           MC 110(i) EVO2 provides more safety with uncrushable material.   an upward facing toggle system. This produces a ‘Flat Elliptical   ROLL WITH THE CHANGES
           If, for example, metal enters the crushing process, the crushing   Movement’ at the bottom of the swing jaw, which increases the   What can the Ammann ARX 90.2 Articulated Heavy Tandem Roller bring to your business?
           gap (CSS) opens automatically in up to two seconds over the   efficiency of crushing. The Unique Elliptical motion of the swing
           complete gap range. The crusher itself does not have to be   jaw guarantees a highly efficient production rate at every setting.   • One of the highest compaction outputs in the 9-tonne weight range
           stopped during the temporary overload situation, which means   This special motion of the jaw also minimizes scrubbing action   • A machine that thrives in multiple applications thanks to its drum dimensions, frequencies and amplitudes
           that the crushing chamber is empty and manual clearing of the   common in single toggle jaw crushers. The design also permits an   • A unique propulsion system that enables smooth starts, essential when working on asphalt
           crusher is not necessary which saves work and time. When the   extra-long jaw length which in turn means more crushing strokes
           overload situation is corrected, the system then moves back to   giving a high ratio of reduction. The capacity of jaw crusher can   • Cost savings after the purchase through exceptional fuel consumption, convenient service points
           the original crushing gap and the crushing process is continued.   be maximized by providing continuous regulated feed.     and self-lubricating bearings
           The pressure plate installed as a predetermined breaking point   All these innovative product offerings reflect leading companies’   The ARX 90.2 is built in India – especially for the Indian market.
           is preserved. The consequences are reduced downtimes and   stance towards going energy-efficient, cost effective and
           increased crushing capacity.                        sustainable, all at the same time. With the construction
           The cone crusher MOBICONE MCO 90(i) EVO2 has two different   sector globally taking a concerted approach to lead in these
           systems installed. The overload system “Tramp Release” protects   parameters, the crushing & screening equipment manufacturers
           the crusher against uncrushable material such as wood or metal.   have already taken a long lead and the future landscape looks
           The bowl including the bowl liner lifts automatically to allow   only positive from here on with other players joining the race.   Ammann India Private Ltd., Block No. 157 , AT - Ditasan, Post - Jagudan, State Highway,
                                                                                                                              Ditasan, Mehsana, Gujarat, PIN Code: 382710
                                                                                                                              Phone + 91 27 626 62 200, Toll Free Number: 1800 258 2233,
                                                                                                                              For additional product information and services please visit:
        18   CONSTRUCTION OPPORTUNITIES|JULY 2022                                                                             MMP-2881-01-EN | © Ammann Group
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