Page 33 - CO_December_2022
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separate carrier vehicle. The crane uses only a part of the power services with the launch of CONNECT, a new digital platform
and generator can be used for other side equipment like mixers, launched at bauma 2022. It enables remote monitoring through
vibrators and job site lighting systems. an app-based system that gives owners and operators the ability LEAD STORY
Comansa has expanded its range of luffing jib cranes, with the new to view real-time crane information, receive alerts, exchange data,
hydraulic LCH300 model. Through this new hydraulic model, tower and more with further functionality to be added in the future. The
crane manufacturer has optimised the luffing mechanism to offer versatile CONNECT platform, with its wide-ranging capabilities, will
even greater performance and efficient assembly, in addition to advance fleet management, boost sustainability, streamline service
a reduction of the radius when out of service. It has a reach of 25 and maintenance for users, and improve connectivity to cranes
to 60 metres, with configurations every five metres. The minimum with the easy-to-use platform working across smartphones, tablets,
working radius is 4 m and the minimum radius when out of service and laptops. The new platform will be phased in, initially on Potain
is 9 m. This is an important aspect to take into account in places tower cranes and Grove all-terrain cranes. The company plans
with limited space, which are what luffing jib cranes are designed to add other product lines and brands in due course. CONNECT
for. It has manual reeving changing of 1T (direct pulling) and 2T. delivers an optimized user experience, assisting with set-up,
The maximum load capacity is 8t with the 1T configuration and simplifying maintenance, providing driver assistance systems, and
16t with the 2T configuration. The maximum load at the jib end is more. Owners get real-time access to services and information with
3,400 and 3,150kg, respectively. Thanks to the Effi-Plus technology, just a couple of taps on a screen.
it is possible to increase the speed of the lifting mechanism without The future of construction is high-tech and interconnected. That
affecting consumption, which allows for reduced load cycles and is why in addition to hardware product innovations, PALFINGER
improved productivity of the crane. is increasingly using smart solutions that set new standards. The
Moreover, Comansa has developed Crane Mate, a new digital innovative Smart Control to control the crane tip unites the crane
solution for fleet management and crane monitoring. Crane with the operator and revolutionizes the work process. Instead of
Mate provides real time technical information, location, alerts and moving up to three different levers, Smart Control only requires
productivity and maintenance parameters for the tower cranes. one to move the crane tip horizontally or vertically. The operator
Additionally, amongst other features, it facilitates seamless reporting therefore only needs to specify the direction of the crane tip,
& configuring events and recording machinery rental periods and/ while the intelligent technology combines the necessary crane
or the duration of construction projects. movements to reach the target position exactly.
However, precision is required not only for crane control. The work
Innovative horizons steps involved in loading and unloading containers also require
Cranes are general-purpose lifting equipment widely used in precision down to the last millimeter. Since container handling is
construction industries. Crane operators must operate multiple one of the biggest challenges in everyday working life, PALFINGER
levers simultaneously while checking the position of the load visually. has taken this on and developed an intelligent assistant system
In addition, cranes are affected by the boom deflection and wind, — Smart Loading Assist. The latest version of this semi-automatic
so it takes a long time to become a proficient crane operator. On system was displayed for the first time at bauma 2022. The Smart
the other hand, the number of skilled crane operators in Japan Loading Assist adds a 3D camera system, sensors and a high-
is declining due to the aging population. Taking the cognizance performance computing unit to the hooklift. It works in a similar
of the matter, DeepX and Tadano have started a joint research way to optical parking sensors and helps the operator to correctly
project of crane automation utilizing AI technology. The aim of position the hooklift in relation to the container. The integrated
this project is to improve safety at work sites by simplifying and Obstacle Detection solution identifies any obstacles, or people, in
automating mobile crane operations by utilizing AI technologies. the hazardous area and immediately warns the operator. The Smart
Mobile cranes are known to be one of the most difficult machines Loading Assist also provides effective support during the unloading
to operate on construction sites. Slewing and elevating motion in process to protect the surface on the ground, and the container.
mobile cranes typically generates undesirable two-dimensional A Triton study highlighted that growing trends in high-performance
load-sway; therefore, crane operators must be highly skilled to goods with lower carbon emissions and fuel economy have
suppress this sway upon completion of the point-to-point crane pushed companies to reinvent their product line and expand
manoeuvre. DeepX and Tadano have therefore developed a their presence in the mobile crane market. The increased eco-
control algorithm based on AI technology, leveraging simulator consciousness among manufacturers encourages the installation
environment for controller optimization. Using this algorithm, the of flexible hydraulic systems and multimode power output functions.
operator can safely and accurately move the load to the desired This helps reduce crane fuel consumption and makes them more
position while suppressing load sway. responsive to changing trends. As mentioned in one of Konecranes’
Konecranes’ advanced technology provides high mechanical technical insights, “New, smaller cranes are also designed to be
and electrical efficiency which reduces the crane’s overall energy more energy efficient. New crane technology cycles energy back
consumption. Smart Features and process automation improve into the power grid, which greatly mitigates warehouse energy
productivity, and further reduce energy consumption. For example, consumption and costs. Some cranes are even manufactured
a fully automated crane with Konecranes DynAReg regenerative with recyclable materials, supporting a company’s goal of being
braking can recapture up to 30% of the crane’s braking energy, more environmentally responsible.” With all these interesting
helping to decrease the overall energy consumption. developments in the offing, the cranes market is poised for a great
Manitowoc continues its expansion and investment in support leap ahead.