Page 41 - April 2022
P. 41
The market launch for the Tadano AC 2.040-1 is the first all-terrain Sales revenue was €1,841 million (US$ 2,067 million) for the Palfinger
crane to be developed jointly by Tadano’s Lauf and Zweibrücken Group in 2021, up 20 per cent from the €1,533 million ($1,721 EQUIPMENT
locations in Germany while also serving as the very first crane million) in 2020. The Austrian crane, aerial work platform and
model for the future Tadano AC family. materials handling equipment manufacturer said it achieved all
Like all future models, the AC 2.040-1 features the IC 1 Plus control time highs for revenue, EBIT, consolidated net result and dividend.
system with automatic counterweight detection, a capacity radar EBIT was €155 million, up 55% from €100 million in 2020. The EBIT
and a work area display. margin increased from 6.5 % in 2020 to 8.4 percent in 2021. EBITDA
“That’s why this market launch is really special for us – after all, the was €244 million in 2021, up 29 % on the €189 million of 2020.
new AC 2.040-1 is the first crane to combine the best of our two As the company started its 90th year in business, it reported growth
worlds with the know-how from Zweibrücken and Lauf,” said Dr. in all its sales regions and said it has set a €2.0 billion target for
Frank Schröder, all-terrain crane product line VP. “This also means revenue in 2022. Much of the growth was attributed to the strength
that the AC 2.040-1 is blazing a trail that all Tadano cranes will of the construction, timber and recycling sectors. “Long-term
be following in the future: It is the first crane in the new Tadano infrastructure packages and increasing investments in housing
AC family. And all future models will share the same DNA with projects are driving the positive trend in the construction industry,”
the AC 2.040-1: a standardized crane control system, cab and the company said. Commenting on the result Andreas Klauser,
technologies.” Palfinger CEO, said, “This result shows how quickly Palfinger reacts
The AC 2.040-1 is also part of the company’s innovation push, to a volatile and challenging environment with the Global Palfinger
which will see 15 new crane models come onto the market in the Organization (GPO) and uses it to its advantage.”
next few years under the Tadano brand name. The increase in revenue was achieved in the face of supply
The Tadano AC 2.040-1 features a fully extended boom length of chain issues, including higher prices for materials, shipping and
115.5 feet at a radius of 26.3 feet, and can lift loads of up to 16,755 personnel and shortages of components, parts and raw materials.
pounds. In addition, the hydraulic boom makes it possible to take For 2022 the company forecasts further growth with, for the first half
care of heavy lifts involving loads of up to 70,327 pounds without of the year, reduced profitability. It expects improvement during
requiring any additional sheaves. “This enables the AC 2.040-1 to the second half as a result of price increases. A €2.3 billion revenue
take care of a very broad range of lifts without carrying out time- target has been set for 2024, increasing to €3 billion for 2030.
consuming setup changes, making it both a fast and versatile
machine,” added Schröder. “The crane also makes a compelling FIRST DIESEL JEKKO TO SPAIN
case when it comes to its ability to telescope under load with Spanish boiler manufacturer Talleres Laguillo has purchased a
impressive lifting capacities. Moreover, the runner ensures fast and Jekko diesel/electric powered SPX650 spider crane. It is the first
efficient work at work sites, and can be carried directly on the diesel engine SPX650 to be delivered to Spain and is an evolution
crane to the left of the main boom.” of its lithium-ion battery version released in 2020.
If the maximum main boom length of 115.5 feet is not enough, The Cantabria, Spain-
the crane’s range can be extended with a 29.5-foot extension based company
that can be offset by up to 40°. The global market for Building chose the 5 tonne
Information Modelling (BIM) software will be worth US$21 billion by capacity model for its
2025, according to research data from Cambashi. indoor and outdoor
The global market research company’s latest BIM Observatory capabilities.
research data indicates that, while the construction industry’s use The crane can reach
of software has been much slower than other sectors, such as a maximum height of
manufacturing, the uptake is increasing. 23.5 metres with a jib.
It is estimated that US$14 billion was spent on BIM software in 2021. The new machine
To reach the figure of US$21 billion means the sector is estimated was purchased from
to see yearly double digit growth between now and 2025. Transgrúas, Jekko’s
“Remote working trends resulting from the global pandemic, as distributor for Spain. Ian Trenzano, sales manager at Transgrúas,
well as government initiatives and regulations, are driving digital said, “The SPX650CDH is a very compact crane, with smooth yet
transformation in the construction industry,” said Petra Gartzen, ready operation. It’s a highly performing model.
lead analyst, Cambashi. “We’ve already sold 4 units and 3 additional ones will soon follow.
“This in turn is accelerating a growth in demand for BIM software, We think we can sell many more to plant hire companies, who’ve
enabling the construction industry to evolve from the ‘Stone Age’ shown their interest.” Jekko’s head of sales Alberto Franceschini
to the ‘Digital Age’.” said, “Jekko is extremely satisfied on having delivered the first
Cambashi’s research data incorporates three categories of BIM: diesel-powered SPX650 to Spain. Countries such as Spain and
design, construct and operate. Italy are going through the ecological transition in a similar way:
According to Cambashi’s Employment dataset, currently around both responsive to this topic yet aware that diesel systems still
200 million people work in a BIM-related profession, incorporating play a major role. “We have combined this latter with an electric
architecture and design, civil engineering and structural motor to turn the SPX650CDH into a real eco-friendly crane for the
engineering services, as well as building owners and operators. Spanish and Italian yards.”