Page 15 - April 2022
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but we’re committed to applying our building science to innovate sustainability benefits with the need for life-cycle assessments
as if our future depends on it. We’re betting that it does!” to ensure performance. In addition, as the building envelope
In their journey to sustainability, Euclid Chemical took home two continues to tighten to achieve reduced energy consumption,
first-place Innovative Fiber Project of the Year (IFPY) Awards at this technologies will be introduced to reduce indoor air pollution
year’s World of Concrete—the concrete industry’s largest event that can occur when air flow is restricted. The company’s
for building professionals. In the macro fiber category, Euclid FORMASHIELD™ Formaldehyde-Abatement Technology is a
Chemical won a first-place IFPY Award for the use of its TUF-STRAND paint that helps remove formaldehyde from indoor air during
SF macro-synthetic fiber’s in the construction of an insulated application and continues to perform after the paint dries.
concrete form (ICF) home for Habitat for Humanity in Joplin, Mo. Plastics producers have attempted to boost the sustainability of
The non-profit partnered with the National Ready Mixed Concrete polyurethanes with greener inputs, such as polyols derived from
Association (NRMCA) to build the home for local veteran Tim Peay soybean oil. Huntsman is taking a similar strategy, except in its
and his son. The ICF walls, supplied by Euclid’s sister company case it is making polyurethanes more sustainable in a way that
Nudura, were reinforced with TUF-STRAND SF to significantly reduce helps address the broader plastic waste problem: by using polyols
construction costs by eliminating the time and labor associated derived from recycled plastics. The company just opened a plant
with conventional steel. in Taiwan that makes its Terol aromatic polyester polyols from
Dow recently announced a new product extension of postconsumer PET bottles. The 22,000-metric-ton-per-year plant
VORASURF™ Silicone Surfactants to support the growing demand is its second to use the technology. Huntsman started operating
for enhanced energy efficiency and sustainable solutions in the first in Houston in 2013, where it says it has since consumed
the rigid polyurethane foam market, with a specific focus on the equivalent of 5 billion PET bottles.
spray and construction applications. “With the latest additions Huntsman reengineers the oligomers to build up desirable
to our VORASURF™ portfolio, we continue to deliver innovative molecular weights, functionalizes the polymer backbones, and
technologies addressing key market trends for rigid polyurethane combines the resulting aromatic polyester polyols with other
foams, improving energy efficiency and delivering a more polyols to get desired properties for various applications. Pavneet
sustainable solution to our customers,” said Dylan Delapa, global Mumick, Huntsman’s global vice president of polyurethane
market segment leader for Dow polyurethane additives. “By technology and innovation, says the final polyols, the firm is
combining our leading manufacturing integration and global making, now have 30–40% recycled content. Huntsman can
presence, with a deep understanding of the industry, DOWSIL™ boost the total postconsumer content number to 60%, he says.
Silicone Polyether for spray and construction applications provide According to Mumick, tight quality control of incoming recycled
the key performance benefits our customers desire.” PET is critical to maintain the high quality standards of the polyol
According to Dow officials, as regulations continue to move toward products. Aromatic polyester polyols impart rigidity, insulation
requiring buildings to achieve a net-zero-energy impact, newer properties, and fire performance to polyurethane foams, Mumick
technologies will begin to exhibit more energy conservation and says, making them a good fit for insulation board and spray foam