Page 11 - April 2022
P. 11
To achieve good development on a planet stressed by climate
change and diminishing natural resources, infrastructure needs Fast Facts
to be sustainable. Infrastructure – roads, bridges, ports, power Rise in adoption of green cities and green-based
plants, water supply drive economic growth in many countries construction of buildings for residential, industrial, and
by facilitating manufacturing, services and trade. In this regard, commercial sectors across the globe is expected to
construction chemicals improve the overall quality and durability boost the market.
of the buildings. Widely used as bonding agents, tile adhesives,
expansion & crack joint filters, and plasticizers, these chemicals The construction segment is anticipated to account for
increase the overall life of the construction work along with the major share of the global green chemicals market
providing protection against environmental hazards. With the in the near future due to the increase in demand for
growing demand for green buildings, the adoption of these green chemicals in the building & construction industry.
chemicals in the construction industry has grown manifold. Apart from adding more strength to the buildings, it
We are all aware that buildings and construction account for helps bring down the volume of water and cement
more than 35% of global final energy use and nearly 40% of used in the construction process at an exceptional rate.
energy related CO2 emissions. In India, more than 10% of GDP is Construction chemicals enhance the performance of
contributed by construction and infrastructure industry. Sustainable emerging building technologies like new thermoset
green construction chemicals will definitely stir the growth in this hotmelts, structural tapes, and multi-purpose adhesives.
scenario. A research paper by Apple Chemie highlighted these