Page 20 - Construction_Opportunities_September_2024
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           Autonomous Equipment Making a Beeline:              offering real-time insights into equipment performance and
           The improved efficiency and productivity of autonomous   enabling quick responses to any issues that may come up. These
           equipment are fuelling the adoption of autonomous construction   advanced connectivity solutions revolutionise how construction
           equipment. Autonomous equipment can function continuously   sites are managed, improving productivity, efficiency, and safety.
           for lengthy periods of time without needing breaks or becoming   By embracing connectivity, the construction equipment industry
           fatigued. This results in reduced downtime and allows projects to   can unlock new levels of efficiency and streamline operations.
           be finished faster. Autonomous equipment collects real-time data   Hitachi Construction Machinery is introducing an Autonomous
           from the workplace using sensors and smart algorithms. This data   Haulage System (AHS), autonomous operation of mining dump
           enables the equipment to improve its performance by selecting   trucks with the aim of improving productivity and safety at
           the most efficient path, maintaining constant speeds, and   customers’ mining sites. AHS travels autonomously while stabilizing
           reducing material waste. Autonomous equipment can conduct   its body when it avoids obstacles on an unpaved haul road on
           repeated operations with great accuracy and consistency. This   which other vehicles and machines are coming and going. AHS
           lowers mistakes and rework, resulting in a higher-quality finished   is a system that could help improve safety and productivity by
           product and less wasted time and materials.         autonomously controlling dump trucks based on instructions
           Autonomous construction equipment is witnessing significant   from a Fleet Management System (FMS). The system features are
           technological advancements. Sensor advancements, such as   currently being expanded beyond mere dump truck dispatch
           LiDAR, radar, and high-resolution cameras, enable autonomous   management to supporting various operating tasks at mines.
           equipment to accurately and precisely sense its surroundings.   In the next decade, the construction industry is expected to
           This allows them to better navigate complicated building sites,   witness a significant shift in business models, with Equipment as
           recognize barriers & risks, and execute accurate operations.   a Service (EaaS) emerging as a viable option. This shift towards
           The development of faster and more powerful computers,   EaaS and other subscription-based models frees up time and
           along with advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI), enables   budgets for fleet management. It ensures access to cutting-edge
           autonomous equipment to handle complicated tasks, make   technology, ultimately enhancing the industry’s efficiency and
           real-time choices based on sensor data, and continually learn   productivity. EaaS enables customers to concentrate fully on
           and improve performance over time. Wireless communication   their core business without worrying about the equipment that
           advancements such as 5G allow for smooth data interchange   supports it, driving the industry towards a more sustainable and
           between autonomous equipment, control centers, and other   efficient future.
           construction machines. This enables greater coordination, remote   The  construction  industry  is  on  the  cusp  of  a  technological
           monitoring, and real-time operational optimization.  revolution with the adoption of autonomous machinery. While
           Improvements in autonomous technology will impact construction   fully autonomous machines may not be ubiquitous in the next
           equipment for the foreseeable future. Autonomy can enhance   decade, the growing intelligence of these devices will play a
           safety by reducing the need for operators on high-risk jobsites.   pivotal role in enhancing efficiency, productivity, and fuel and
           This technology also allows remote monitoring and control,   energy efficiency.

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