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           Stepping into ‘Amrit Kaal’

           The 8  Anniversary issue of Construction Opportunities couldn’t have
           been launched at a more opportune time than this where the theme   Published by:
           justifies the ‘Golden Era of Indian Infrastructure’ impeccably well.   Highland Media Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
           While presenting the Union Budget, Hon’ble Finance Minister Nirmala   Registered Office:
                                                                              609, 6  Floor, Swastik Chambers, Sion-Trombay
           Sitharaman coined it the ‘first budget in Amrit Kaal’.             Road, Chembur (East), Mumbai – 400 071.
           The Finance Minister outlined the seven priorities of this year’s Union   Tel: 022-25271902
           Budget.  “These  priorities  complement  each  other  and  act  as  the
           ‘Saptarishi’ guiding us through the Amrit Kaal. These priorities comprise   Editor: Shrirang Krishnan
           “inclusive development, reaching the last mile, infrastructure and
           investment, unleashing the potential, green growth, youth power, and   Assistant Editor: Prerna Sharma
           financial sector.”                                       
           The capital outlay for infrastructure was announced to be at `10 lakh
           crore, at 3.3% of GDP. This is expected to have a multiplier effect   Chief Executive Officer: V Anand
           across sectors and set a strong footing for a resilient growth. Both the
           railway ministry and highway ministry have yet again topped the list   Head Circulation & Subscription:
           of  capital  allocation  in  the  budget  2023-24.  The  capital  allocation   Subhash Bhogale
           to the highway ministry for 2023-24 stands at  `2,58,605 crore, while
           the railway ministry has got a central capital allocation of `2,40,000
           crore. Both the ministries account for almost half of the total capital   Creative Designer & Coordinator:
                                                                              Asif Padwekar
           expenditure estimate of `10 lakh crore in the budget.    
           Over 100 critical transport infrastructure projects, for last and first mile
           connectivity for ports, coal, steel, fertilizer, and food grains sectors have   Press Releases:
           been identified and they will be taken up on priority with investment
           of  `75,000 crore, including  `15,000 crore from private sources. The
           Finance Minister announced that an Urban Infrastructure Development   All rights reserved. While all efforts are made to
           Fund (UIDF) will be established through use of priority sector lending   ensure that the information published is correct.
           shortfall, which will be managed by the National Housing Bank, and   Construction Opportunities holds no responsibility
           will be used by public agencies to create urban infrastructure in tier II   for any unlikely errors that might occur.
           & III cities.
                                                                              Printed and Published by Shrirang Krishnan on
           The private players in the infrastructure sector have much more to   behalf of Highland Media Publishers Pvt. Ltd.,
           rejoice and join the exceptional growth bandwagon waiting to unfold   printed at Indigo Printers, BRM-10, Devidayal
           with an impressive line-up of projects starting from expressways, metro   Compound, Near Britania Company, Reay Road
           trains, greenfield airports, multimodal logistics parks and list goes on.   (East), Mumbai – 400 010 and published from
           While the path to progress & prosperity might not be so easy, we all   609, 6th Floor, Swastik Chambers, Sion-Trombay
                                                                              Road, Chembur (East), Mumbai – 400 071.
           must focus on the ULTIMATE GOAL of ENVIOUS GROWTH and CREATING     Editor: Shrirang Krishnan
                                                                              The information on products and projects on
           This Anniversary issue is laced with many such incredible opportunities
           that are slated to transform the infrastructure landscape in the near   offer is being provided for the reference of the
                                                                              readers. However, readers are cautioned to
           future. Every industry player, be it construction companies or the   make inquiries and take decisions on purchase
           allied industry segment players, have an enabling role to play in this   or investment after consulting experts on the
           infrastructure juggernaut.                                         subject. CONSTRUCTION OPPORTUNITIES holds no
                                                                              responsibility for any decision taken by readers on
           Let’s UNITE to Celebrate the ‘Golden Era of Indian Infrastructure’…
                                                                              the basis of information provided herein.

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