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household disposable incomes in developed and developing with the incorporation of novel hydraulic pumps and innovative
economies. Such developments mandate the adoption electronic sensors.
of technologically advanced machinery such as backhoe Center Pivot Backhoe Loaders gaining traction: According to
loaders that facilitate construction activities. In addition, various FactMR research, the market for center pivot backhoe loaders
governments worldwide are shifting their focus on infrastructure is growing significantly as these type of backhoe loaders are
development, including the construction of highways, ports, roads, setting new benchmarks for better operator comfort, exceptional
and railways, which are offering newer vistas for manufacturers of performance, versatility, and job site efficiency. The center pivot
backhoe loaders. backhoe loaders are estimated to account for 86% in revenue
by 2019 and are expected to grow at a value CAGR of 5.7%over
Innovative attachments the forecast duration. Trailing close behind are sideshift backhoe
Various combinations of bucket and backhoe (breakers, dozer, loaders foreseen to cross ~US$500 million in the future by
stump grinder, among many others) can be detached from or contributing over 11% in the overall absolute dollar opportunity
attached to backhoe loaders, increasing versatility in applications. created by the end of 2026.
With these attachments, the vehicle serves multiple applications Sideshift backhoe loaders: Sideshift backhoe loaders allow
such as snow removal, lifting light materials, cleaning construction operators to work closer to the edge of a building than traditional
sites, and transferring or removing wastes with greater efficiency. center-mounted backhoe loaders. Sideshift backhoe loaders are
Removable and replaceable features of backhoe loaders increase widely used to carry out operations in confined areas. Their design
their application in various fields besides construction. facilitates high-speed operations & high performance and is more
Powered by Hydraulics: Hydraulic systems work on pressurized stable than center-mounted backhoe loaders. The sale of sideshift
hydraulic fluids to power machinery. Backhoe loaders require backhoes is expected to touch a value of over US$3,400 mn by
continuous oil pressure in the engine to enable the consistent the end of 2026, contributing to the overall growth of the global
working of the equipment. Hydraulic pumps fulfil this requirement backhoe loader market in the coming years.
by providing adequate power. The incorporation of hydraulics The road construction activity remains the most significant driver
has improvized the operating efficiency of backhoe loaders. of construction equipment (CE) demand, with execution reaching
Additionally, innovation in the design of the pump has further record-high levels of 13,327 km in FY2021, up 30% on a YoY basis
enhanced the efficiency of backhoe loaders. Further, the despite challenges from the Covid-19 pandemic and associated
productivity of backhoe loaders has improved in various aspects lockdowns. All such promising avenues showcase good times
such as faster movement, greater power, and better digging ahead for the backhoe loaders segment in the country.